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February 19, 2025

About Us

      The Lowville Food Pantry (the Pantry) is established to meet the emergency food needs of individuals and families having a food hardship and to aide during natural and man-made emergencies. Through the time and talent of volunteers, the Lowville Food Pantry, Inc. is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes as defined in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including and not limited to the following:

  1. To provide food, personal care items, household items, clothing and any other such services as may from time to time appear needed in a charitable manner to persons and/or families who because of emergency situations are unable to meet these needs themselves or through the assistance of existing social services agencies within the community.
  2. To also serve as a food pantry whose purpose is to solicit, store and distribute food to needy people in Lewis County at no charge.
  3. To receive gifts, grants, contributions and to enter into contracts with governmental organizations for implementation of charitable government programs.
  4. To do all and everything necessary, suitable and proper for the accomplishment of any purposes or attainment of any of the charitable objects or the furtherance of any of the powers herein before mentioned, either alone or in association with any other corporations, firms, organizations, agencies or individuals.
  5. The Pantry shall be nondenominational, noncommercial, nonpolitical, and nonpartisan.
  6. The Pantry shall not discriminate in the provision of their services on the basis of sex, race, religious preference, color, creed, ethnic origins, sexual orientation or legal status.

  Call or Fax

  • Phone: (315) 376-7431
  • Fax: (315) 376-8833

Visit or Write
 Lowville Food Pantry
  5502 Trinity Avenue
Lowville, New York 13367

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Copyright © 2013 Lowville Food Pantry, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Lowville Food Pantry 5502 Trinity Avenue Lowville, New York 13367  |  Phone: (315)376 -7431